If you’ve been wearing glasses for sometime, chances are you have faced this problem over and over again: how to find the perfect pair of glasses? Don’t worry, let us assure you that you’re not alone. This indeed is a difficult task, for one your image is tide closely to the shape of frame you […]
Category Archives: General
Optical Benefit in Malaysia What is Optical Benefit? How employer can further maximise the good of optical benefit? Here are the steps: 1. Engaging eye care event vs traditional approach 2. Beyond prescription check 3. Better communication 4. Personalised to one’s need 5. Guaranteed quality and Affordable
How to Take Care of Glasses Glasses help us see and protect our eyes, but they don’t always get the care they deserve. Although glasses don’t last forever, but with the right care, a pair of glasses can go a long way. Here we share 5 simple tips on how to take care of glasses. […]
World Vision Day 2017 Last Wednesday and Thursday were the two most hectic yet meaningful days for Pott Glasses this year. Since it was in conjunction with World Vision Day 2017 which was scheduled on this week, we had a lot of activities and work to be constructed. On Wednesday, we went for a radio […]
12th of September 2017 marks a huge milestone for Apple as they launch their most advanced iPhone to date, the iPhone X to celebrate 10 year anniversary since the inception of first iPhone. While everyone is discussing about the infinity screen of iPhone X and the ARkit, we choose to reminisce on the release of […]
Cat eye glasses is a type of modern eyewear fashion trend in Malaysia. After making its plausible debut in 1950s and 1960s, cat eye glasses successfully regained its fame these days. In a fast moving fashion era, this old eyewear trend gains popularity as Malaysians and the world love the cyclical change of modern fashion. […]
Short sightedness is Malaysia’s growing problem. In 2017, new spectacle shops increase tremendously at popular places in Malaysia to cater to the demand for eye glasses. Short sightedness although common, is regarded as a shocking news on top of blurred vision, but why? That’s because what comes next will change your appearance forever! (To girls […]
昨日ONE FM 《话事话》有聊到戴眼镜遇到的五个问题。小编希望能在这里一一为你们解答。 第一:穿衣或脱衣时会碰到眼镜 解决方法:小编会建议脱下眼镜。毕竟衣领的空间比较小,如果我们穿衣或脱衣时戴着眼镜,特别是有鼻托的,眼镜很容易因外力拉扯而被弄歪甚至断掉。如果事情真的发生了,千万不要自己调眼镜,最好是把它拿到附近的眼镜店调整,避免弄巧反拙。穿衣或脱衣时就把眼镜放一旁,然后再带上。小编就试过因为穿衣时戴着眼镜而把鼻托弄断了。 第二:吃火锅时或是从冷气房出来时镜片被雾遮盖 解决方法:离火锅远一点,水蒸气也不会接触到镜片。那从冷气房或是汽车出来前,先脱掉眼镜,用手握着,或是放在裤袋里里,有保温的作用;这样温差就不会很大,眼镜也不会容易起雾。不妨参考这方式! 第三:涂上MASCARA再戴眼镜会弄脏镜片 解决方法:其实很多时候我们戴上眼镜是为了遮挡我们的黑眼圈或是因为我们懒惰上妆。但如果非要涂上MASCARA,小编的建议是不要涂得太浓,还有选眼镜时要注意眼镜和眼睛的距离,尽量选有距离的,这样就不会擦到眼睫毛了。 小提示:选适合亚洲人的眼镜! 第四:要看3D电影时很麻烦 解决方式:其实小编也常遇到这问题。会带隐形眼镜的朋友就带隐形眼镜来看3D电影吧,毕竟双层眼镜不但奇怪也很不舒服。或是能找些比较大个的3D眼镜,像是FITOVER的设计,就是能套在眼镜上的眼镜! 难道这就是传说中的GLASSCEPTION吗?! 第五:脱下眼镜后别人才发现原来自己的眼睛很大 解决方式:眼睛大是好事,但在戴眼镜时也要显出有大眼睛的效果就必须花点技巧了。首先,我们必须明白因为折射的关系,眼睛在镜片后面看起来比较小。这效果会特别明显,尤其是近视很深,镜片很厚或是镜框很大。所以,选镜框时避免OVERSIZE的,MIDZSIZE的就好了。镜片厚度可以选较薄的1.67或是1.74,当然价格会比较高。也可以选ASPHERIC或是DOUBLE ASPHERIC,这样能减少折射。
It is Ramadan month! Muslims all around the world have started their holy practice of fasting from the beginning of dawn til sunset. Well the happiest part of this month is of course the long awaited bazaar! Not only Muslim butt everyone is excited for the return of bazaar. During Ramadan, everyone starts barging out […]
If you are considering to get dad a pair of new glasses, here are some tips for you. There are 4 types of glasses in general. Short sightedness : helps him to see far distance clearly Reading glasses : helps him to read clearly (especially whatsapps and waze) Multifocal : combination of both, provides the […]