Author Archives: Tai Hau
If you’ve been wearing glasses for sometime, chances are you have faced this problem over and over again: how to find the perfect pair of glasses? Don’t worry, let us assure you that you’re not alone. This indeed is a difficult task, for one your image is tide closely to the shape of frame you […]
在这颜值当道的时代,人人都想成为网红!没有颜值又没有钱的你是否一直问自己该怎么办?没关系,让我来介绍几款一秒让你变偶像的魅力镜款,不止偶像,小编自己都私藏了2款呢! 第一个LOOK 时髦上班族LOOK 镜框方面选择了一个偏向于半正式的镜款。偏方形的镜框在上下两侧以不同颜色的组合呈现让眼镜在正式与非正式之间取得了一个平衡。亮色系的上侧让人看起来更加精神也和专业! 服饰方面则利用同色系短袖衬衫札进不失高雅的8分黑西装裤款,再搭上基本款圆头黑皮鞋,整体造型非常干净利落!厌倦了平时的上班LOOK?那你就得好好参考这一组的造型搭配咯! 第二个LOOK 森林系女孩LOOK ATTENTION PLEASE!!! 不要被模特的脸蛋吸引而忘了正在看这篇文章的你!!! 挑选镜框的重点一直都不是镜款本身是否流行,而是它是不是最适合你的“小伙伴”。这一款5角形的粉色镜框完完全全体现了这一点!镜框在颜色和尺寸的拿捏都刚刚好,这款眼镜的造型由于有着不常见的5角棱形所以时常让人们在选择中默默淘汰。不过这一款的镜框不止让人看起来活泼俏皮,更多了一份不知觉的空灵感!绝对是森林系女孩必备的时尚单品! 第三个LOOK 运动型男LOOK 磨砂黑质的镜款一直以来让人感觉莫名利落,而圆框镜款又因为STEVE JOB的佩戴导致人们都认为搞创意的创作者们最适合佩戴圆框眼镜!其实不然?! 一直认为运动型男们戴上圆框眼镜一秒变成“书呆子” ! 这一款运用磨砂质感的圆框眼镜的佩戴效果非常之好。眼镜版型上面的调整让此圆框非彼圆框,热爱运动热爱黑色系列单品的你绝对不能错过! 镜框的版型调整让佩戴后的整体感达到上升,利落干净的圆框弧度能够很好的与多种脸型进行完美搭配。 第四个LOOK 复古文青LOOK 镜框以棕金色系为主体,镜腿方面则利用深黑色突出镜框本身的独特!这类镜框属于正式场合的长方形框,不过由于镜框颜色本身突出,所以在优秀的搭配中也能让此镜框多出一种属于自身的魅力! 复古军绿色系的防风夹克搭配修身牛仔裤让整体展现出强烈的碰撞感,脚踩帆布滑板鞋让造型看起来不突兀,反而增添了一种独特的个人品味! 看了几种不同系列的搭配后,让小编为各位作出一个总结!最后的最后你是否发现了原来你一直以来缺的就不是一条多昂贵的裤子或裙子、也不是衣柜里永远缺一件的衣服!你真正缺少的是那最适合也最凸显你性质的眼镜!没关系,现在发现还不算太迟,拿起手机去到 NEW COLLECTION
Transparent glasses or clear frame is the most popular eyewear trend in 2019. It is made of either Ultem or cellulose acetate. Because the trend just started, it can be difficult to find transparent glasses. You may also find it difficult to match with outfit because there are not many fashion references. A famous person […]
OPTICAL STYLING EVENT This is the first Optical Styling Event in Malaysia with Shang Times and The Alley. Here in Pott Glasses, we believe that a pair of right glasses can enhance one’s look. It is not true that only certain people look good in glasses, in fact, by choosing the right pair of glasses, […]
Round glasses have been around for many years, in fact it was the shape of the first glasses invented by Benjamin Franklin. It used to be viewed as old-fashioned or vintage glasses for the elderly. However, in the past 5 years, we see that the younger generation especially young adults are eager to try out […]
The 2018 Guangzhou Optical Fair took place from 3rd November to 5th November. We’re honoured to receive invitation from the organiser to visit the fair. We’d like to thank them for taking care of our transportation and accommodation. It was indeed an eye opening event. We thought it’d be interesting to share with you some […]
Hartamas Optical Shop Hey guys, we are coming to Desa Sri Hartamas! And we are super excited about this! Artist impression of Hartamas Optical Shop (Pott Glasses 4th outlet) If you have not heard about us, here’s a brief introduction about us. Pott Glasses is a local eyewear brand founded by two young guys who […]
A whole new outlet of Pott Glasses Last Sunday was the grand opening of the new Pott Glasses outlet at Sri petaling. We are glad that we are able to achieve this important milestone as we planned for this year. Running this brand for three years, and we are proud as a conventional business because […]