You know this, I know this, we know this, but, we don’t talk about it.

uhhhhhh that Big D* Problem

So hard to find the right sizeeeeee

It always squeezes. It leaves mark. It is just uncomfortable.

Yes we are talking about the head size! 

So big and so wide so hard to find the right size glasses.

Yes we are talking about the head size! 

So big and so wide so hard to find the right size frame.

In conjunction of National Sex Day on 69, we collaborate with Care Condom to release a series of XL frames designed to be bigger and wider to make room for more comfort and a better fit for XL wearers.

Why condom you may ask? Haiyaaaa… you know laaa. It’s also about size

Every purchase of XL series glasses comes with our Limited Edition Box and Care ROOSTER XL condom!

Time to say goodbye to boring frame. There are a lot more designs in XL size at our outlets. Make an appointment to visit any of our outlet.

Make Appointment Here